Holidays and Festivals

Happy Winter Solstice~

Winter Solstice, which also known as “Winter Festival”, “he dong” in Chinese to celebrate the coming of winter,

one of the 24 Chinese solar terms, one of the eight astrological solar terms, and the summer solstice opposite. 

The ancients said to the winter solstice: cathode to, Yang qi began to live, the day to the south, the day to the short,

the long shadow of the sun, so called “Winter Solstice”.

Winter Solstice day is usually in the Gregorian calendar on December 21 or December 22 these two days.

Since the Winter Solstice is not fixed on a specific day, it is called “festival of life” just like the Tomb-Sweeping Day.

Winter Solstic

The Winter Solstice, the start of the sun arrived at longitude 270 ° in the Gregorian calendar on December 22, a year. 

It is said that the Winter Solstice in the history of the Zhou dynasty is the New Year’s day, used to be a very busy day.

The location of the Winter Solstice today, the sun ground arrived at the south end of the year, almost direct tropic of Capricorn (south of the equator 23 ° 26 ‘). 

The northern hemisphere gets the least sunlight on this day, 50 percent less than the southern hemisphere. 

The days are shortest in the northern hemisphere and shorter the farther north.

The Winter Solstice dumplings

Winter Solstice is one of the twenty-four solar terms and one of the most important. 

Before the winter solstice is snow (December 7-9 festival) after the winter solstice is minor cold (January 4-6 festival),

the Winter Solstice is December 21 solstice December 23 festival.

More commonly, there is a custom of eating dumplings on the Winter Solstice in northern China. 

As the saying goes: “Winter Solstice, eat dumplings.”

In the south, tangyuan is eaten, of course, there are exceptions, such as in Tengzhou, Shandong province

and other places on the Winter Solstice custom is called Shu Jiu, popular over the number of nine mutton soup

on the day of the custom, meaning to drive away the cold.

Let’s enjoy the day and time with families today, happy Winter Solstice~