XuanFeng Lighting
Lighting design, Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect

Talk about the Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design

Talk about the Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design

First, create a typical environment.

Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design. Stage lighting can create different typical environment, through a variety of artistic means and technical means.

Second, express emotions and feelings.

Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design

Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design

Stage lights can express different emotions and feelings through the changes in lights’ color. Dark color lights are symbol of darkness, depression, tension, terror and other emotions and feelings. Blue lights express peace, quiet and other emotions and feelings. Green lights stand for youth, hope and other emotional emotions … … and so on and so forth, too numerous to mention.

Third, connect the drama structure.

Stage lighting can sometimes be the same as the “montage” in the art of cinema.

For example, by using “light cut”, “dark turn” and other lighting means. You can put the different scenes of the clever combination of drama. So that the dramatic performance of the drama, fast and easy conversion.

Another example is using different “chasing light”. You can create the same stage on the different performance areas, play “off-site”, “at the same time” artistic effect.

Another example is using light changes, the performance of dreams, hallucinations, memories, flashback and other dramatic scenes, so that the stage art “filmic”.

Fourth, shape the characters.

Stage lighting with all the stage art of the same elements, are to shape the image of the characters as the highest purpose.

Such as pink light hit the characters in the face, it is refreshed, extraordinary spirit. Gray light hit the characters in the face, it is sick and weak, decadent sluggish. Blue-gray lights hit the characters face, but also insidious cunning, vicious.

The most common light is the example of shaping the service of the characters. It is the most popular character’s “big chasing light”. The term “drama” or “chasing light” or “chasing light”. The film’s “big close-up” and sculpture in general, play a prominent prominent artistic role.

Fifth, direct production scenery

In the past, stage lighting served for the stage setting. That is, the light shines on the scenery, the scenery add luster.

Stage Atmosphere Rendering Effect by Lighting Design

Now, due to the emergence of high-tech equipment such as computer lights, laser lights, the stage lighting can use these high-tech equipment directly produced scenery.

In summary, we from the five aspects of the stage lighting to explore the strange effect, and master these five strange effects. Stage lighting designers can be able to manage a variety of stage lighting to make the stage lighting put on the real wings, fly freely in the stage world, to create the stage art and stage art of glory and miracle.